Network News: July 2023

Green infrastructure Tour

Groundwork Milwaukee conducted a Green Infrastructure Tour with Reflo and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District last week, visiting Westside Academy, the Historic Walnut Hill garden, Cream City Farms and the Green Tech Station.

They toured with a number of summer program staff and interns who are working on environmental solutions in urban areas. The tour was meant to teach about efforts to protect Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes, and looked at the different ways these organizations have installed storm gardens, rain gardens, bioswales, cisterns, prairies, etc. to store stormwater. 

To learn more about Green Tech Station, or schedule a tour of green infrastructure for your group, please visit: 

Talking Climate Vulnerability with The Neighbors- We’re out here!

  1. Young Kim, The Executive Director of Groundwork Milwaukee, recently addressed 185 high school Sophomore students at Carroll University’s World Affairs Seminar, entitled Climate Change: Youth Take Action. Young shared our results from the Climate Vulnerability Assessment that was released in Fall of ‘22. Milwaukee Flood-Health Vulnerability Assessment — Groundwork Milwaukee (

    “The World Affairs Seminar is truly an international experience. WAS brings together peers from around the world to learn international relations and develop skills in diplomacy, communication and cooperation. Since 1976 WAS has impacted and changed lives, providing highly relevant skills in group problem solving, negotiation and peaceful diplomacy. Featured speakers represent a wide variety of perspectives, opinions and backgrounds.”

  2. Two New Healing Spaces are on the books for the South Side of Milwaukee!

    Both Pollonia, and Bumblebee Haven will be undergoing construction to convert vacant land into beautiful in green spaces. “Spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health and emotional well-being. Feeling connected to nature can produce similar benefits to well-being, regardless of how much time one spends outdoors.”

  3. Thanks go to employees and interns at Clarios Batteries ( for coming out to Kilbourn Gardens for an awesome workday! The beds are growing like wildfire and look wonderful!