Milwaukee Grows Garden Leader Handbook (pdf)

Milwaukee Grows Garden Leader Handbook (pdf)

The Milwaukee Grows Garden Leader Handbook provides best practices for sustainable community garden management. The intention of this handbook is to provide a tangible road map, with technical assistance directions, to guide you toward your goal of sustaining a community garden. To that end, this Garden Leader Handbook is a compilation that shares the practices and core beliefs of our organization’s experience. We have worked with countless partners and communities with the primary goal of building and strengthening community.


Best Practices for Requesting Groundwork Services (PDF)

Best Practices for Requesting Groundwork Services (PDF)

Guidance provided to Garden Leaders on how to most efficiently access Groundwork Milwaukee services in your garden. This document outlines: free and discounted services, process for making service requests, workday best practices and more. Use this document to ensure you’re getting the most out of your Groundwork membership. Help Groundwork help you!

Volunteer Engagement Toolkit for Community Gardens (PDF)

Volunteer Engagement Toolkit for Community Gardens (PDF)

Gardens grow much more than vegetables, and your ability as the garden leader to invite community members into your garden is a necessity for the sustainable future of your greenspace. You may have come to this resource because you have a deep want to facilitate community building in your garden, or possibly because you’ve spent one too many days tolling out in the field alone and know you need more support. This guide offers some practical advice and tools for finding and retaining volunteers for your greenspace. Hope you discover some new ideas for finding support for your garden!