Milwaukee Grows garden network
garden network
The Milwaukee Grows Garden Network is a constellation of more than 100 active community gardens facilitated by Groundwork Milwaukee. Each of these gardens has been started and maintained by ambitious residents with a desire to activate unused space in their neighborhoods. Most of the gardens are just that, gardens, with fresh produce growing in raised garden beds while others serve as recreational greenspace and still others function as full-scale farms. Groundwork collaborates with gardeners to provide legal and safe access to city-owned vacant space, materials and labor for garden builds and maintenance, and planning and training of health-based educational and recreational programming in the gardens.
Garden Leaders Spotlight
We asked garden leaders, ordinary people who decided to activate assets in their neighborhood, a couple of questions about what their experience has been in community gardening. Take a look!
garden network map
Below is a map of all the currently active gardens in the Milwaukee Grows Garden Network. Click around to explore some of the beautiful spaces that have been transformed by the Groundwork community of gardeners.
Milwaukee Urban Gardens (MUG) was founded in 2000 by a group of individuals who lost their gardens when the properties were used for development. They incorporated and began advocating for the long-term protection of community gardens and neighborhood green space in urban Milwaukee. In 2013, MUG merged with Groundwork Milwaukee. In 2017 on the 10 year anniversary of Groundwork Milwaukee, Milwaukee Urban Garden became Milwaukee Grows. The program is much more than a community garden network, it grows healthy communities, fresh food, and green spaces for all to enjoy.
As a land trust, Groundwork acquires land for the purpose of community gardens and resident engagement. Our Garden Network maintains insurance to protect gardeners and is a member of the Land Trust Alliance, the national organization of land trusts. One main function of the network is to establish a single point of contact and streamline the process for establishing community gardens and sustainable urban agriculture on city land. The Milwaukee Grows Garden Network seeks to connect the dots between all the efforts that make up Milwaukee's local food system and to build partnerships around local food production and food security. The program's broader goals include providing leadership, education, policy analysis, and project development support for the City of Milwaukee's community-based food system.
We welcome all community members to join our amazing team of volunteers.
To sign up to be a Milwaukee Grows volunteer, please fill out our volunteer inquiry form and a staff member will get back to you with more information regarding available opportunities.
Groundwork is dedicated to providing all volunteers with safe and healthy volunteer opportunities. Upon signing up for a volunteer shift, a Groundwork staff member will provide you with details regarding our work site safety practices.
We are very appreciative of the generous donations we receive from our community. We could not do what we do without your support! To make in-kind donations to the Milwaukee Grows Garden Network, please check out our wishlist of tools and materials, or make a financial donation to Groundwork Milwaukee.
If you are interested in learning more ways to get involved with the Milwaukee Grows Garden Network, please reach out to us at