Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

On Tuesday June 29th, 2021, we started the day weeding at Golda Meir Garden, just outside the office. We weeded for a while then switched activities. The next activity that we ended up doing was called “The Teaching Game''. This game is where you split into a group of two or three and teach the people in your group something that you know. After teaching, you have to share with the rest of the team what you have learned. Then, we painted benches and listened to music. While painting we mainly focused on edging. To edge a bench is to clean up the parts of a bench that a roller can’t get. Afterwards, we took another break. While on the break we did another group activity which is called '' The Eye Contact Game ''. This game is about getting to know your team better. The game indicates you have to lock eyes with a person. You and the person you locked eyes with have to share something about yourselves that nobody already knows. While playing the game, we got to learn a lot about other people that we didn’t know. Another group activity that we did was two truths and a lie. Each person told two facts about themselves and one lie, then everyone had to guess which one was the lie. 

Wednesday, June 30th, 2021

On Wednesday, June 30th, we went to McGovern Park Community Garden and weeded. We weeded each garden bed. We then played a picking up trash game that helped us clean the park. In the game we picked two colors (red and pink). Those colors were worth 2 points. While picking up the trash if we found a pink or red colored piece of trash your team would get two points. Regular pieces of trash would give your team 1 point. After the picking up trash game we went on a walk to look at the apple trees. Another activity that we did was the ‘uh um’ game. In the ‘uh um’ game everyone separates into groups of about three or four. A person must talk to their group about a certain topic for one full minute without saying the following taboo words: “Ah”,”Um”,”Like”, or “You Know”. If the person does not say the taboo words in the round, then the person can move to the second round. If they do say the words, it's the next person's turn.

Thursday, July 1st, 2021

On Thursday July 1st, 2021 we started off at Maskani Place on Center St. where we weeded and flipped the soil. We did an activity called ‘Would you rather' where we had to choose between dying in the heat or in the cold or if we would rather have our dream house or dream car. Then we saw a dead rodent in the alley way.  We then walked to Killbourn where we had to weed. One group weeded. One group built pollinator garden beds.

Friday, July 2nd, 2021

On Friday July 2nd, we started the day off at the Maglio Farm. While being at Maglio, we harvested cauliflower, radish, broccoli, kale, and chard. We also talked about food problems and came up with solutions to them. We also talked about economics. In my opinion this experience was good.  Later on in the day we ended up heading to Estabrook Park where we tested the temperature of the water and looked for different types of bugs. The last thing that we did was dissolve oxygen. This is where you put water in a little bottle and put different types of chemicals inside to see how long and how many packages it takes to become clear and clean water. After water monitoring, we received our work shirts.